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located in the wrestling room (gym 3)
**An "Early Call Out" option will be available at 1:00am for those who want to leave sooner than the event's conclusion. Parents will be contacted by a school phone prior to releasing student. Please plan accordingly with your child(ren) if they are interested in this option**
See below for last year's schedule
11:30 pm - first show
12:45 am - second show
located in the auditorium
located in the Wildcat I & II
located near the pool hallway entrance
located in Wildcat III
located near the guidance office
located in the kitchen
*Trail Mix Station:
located near the kitchen
located in the commons
*Gift Card Wall:
located in the commons
*Will open at 12 am.
Raffle Baskets & Prizes
located in the East hallway
*Raffle Baskets will close @ 1:45 am
*All Prize and Basket winners will be announced in the auditorium beginning at 2am.
*Winners must be present to win!
*Millard West Student ID will be required for all Junior and Senior Prize winners.
At the conclusion of Post Prom:
Post Prom T-shirts will be handed out in the auditorium hallways as you exit. Each hallway will have a designated shirt size, please exit using your corresponding hallway.
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